THANK YOU for your support over the last few months! Dr Kim is now back at work for 4 days a week contact us and online availability consultation booking

Dr Kim would like to THANK YOU AND YOUR CATS for your support over the last few months while she recovered from bilateral knee replacement.  It was a bit chaotic so thank you for ‘purr-sisting’ to get the service you wanted.  While she still has a way to go for stamina to rebuild, being pain-free for the ‘fur-st’ time in years has come as a welcome change.  The surgeon’s technique was ‘purr-fect’ and while recovery was not as quick as Dr Kim would have liked, the process has progressed smoothly.

SARDINIA – Dr Kim had a wonderful visit to Sardinia – part conference, part rehabilitation, all enjoyable! Would highly recommend it as a destination if you like good food and wine, GELATO, beautiful beaches and great people (they aren’t bored with tourists yet!). See my home made movie! and the tourist overview movie.

ORANGUTAN PROJECT – the sculpture sponsored by Dr Kim and her family (a huge bronze Tapanuli Orangutan) is COMING BACK TO SYDNEY! It will be displayed in Grosvenor House for 6 months or so – from 1st September 2024 – and then be auctioned off to raise more funds for preserving orangutan habitat in Sumatra.  It is a gift that keeps on giving – and in a good way! Connect with The Orangutan Project here: for updates

And FYI – some of the funds have already gone to this Aceh project and 100,000 acres are fully protected!